Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assembling the Three Penny Radio

We've got a new radio design, originally from Dick Smith Electronics, I believe.  It uses three pennies as solder pads, and is the same old basic MK484 receiver.

I designed this for a kitbuilding activity at the 2019 Bloomington, Indiana hamfest.  Most of the parts are available from your favorite electronics hobby store, or online.  Lots of them are available from Mike's Electronic Parts.

The radio features a unique plug-in on/off switch.  The positive wire for the battery  connects to the circuit when a mono plug is inserted into the stereo jack, shorting the collar and sleeve contacts together.

The dial for the capacitor is on a sheet. Print it out on cardstock and punch/cut it out. It's useful for many projects that use a polyvaricon.